A Guide for Writing a Nurse Application Letter

guide for writing a nurse application letter

After completing nursing school and passing the board exam, you’ll have to deal with the hard process of finding the perfect job. And to do that, you’ll have to do more than just send out similar application letters, look out for potential employers, and search for job opportunities online.

To secure a job, you have to find a way to capture clients’ attention and encourage them to seriously consider you. You can start by making a high-quality and compelling cover letter that’ll definitely make you stand out and highlight your qualifications.

However, in order to have an amazing nursing application letter, there are some of the things you should do:

Introduce yourself

When you introduce yourself, it’s important to get right to the point. You want to open your beginning statement with a strong command of attention.

For example, if you are applying for a clinical manager department in a clinic, you should emphasize that you have also earned a business degree and a nursing degree. That’ll show that you are experienced in both the clinical and the managing aspect as well.

Your qualification

Your introduction should highlight your application and resume, not repeat it like a laundry list. It’s best to select a few good qualifications and put an emphasis on them.

For example, if the majority of the patients in the hospital speak Spanish, then you might want to put emphasis on your experience in working with the Spanish community.

Show that you are interested

You want to show your potential employers that you are interested in their organization and that it’s not just any backup or list of jobs that you are applying to. It’s best to point out certain aspects that you are impressed with and what you are looking for in order to obtain opportunities from that specific workplace.

If you are applying for a job in the cardiology department, it’s best to focus on your desire to work there to help increase the rate of patient survival. You may also want to share how you had always had a fascination toward the cardiovascular system.

Address the employer’s need

nurse application letter guide

For every experience, skills, or qualification that you have mentioned in your cover letter or nursing application, it’s important to connect that to the position that you’re applying to.

For example, if the job opportunity is looking for someone who is good at working as a team towards increasing patient care, then you should concentrate on describing yourself as a team player and enjoying the company of others as well as possessing some essential leadership qualities.

Know the important keywords

Every employer has a software that helps them filter thousands of resumes and applications. They often index specific keywords on the resume and filter out applicants without those keywords.

These keywords are chosen by the employers and they emphasize on what the facility requires in the applicant’s work experience. For example, if you are applying to the ER department, they may look at specific keywords. It may include patient care, emergency, CPR, life-support or anything that relates to the emergency department.

Make sure to have an adequate amount of keywords in your resume and cover letter so you don’t get filtered out.

Hire someone to write it

If you are not a good writer and that creativity and inspiration don’t seep through your head that easily, then you should consider using an essay writer service to help you with this. This can be very important because if the employer reads an application filled with grammatical errors and unprofessional wordings, you could be tossed into the rejection pile despite having adequate skills and experience.

The last thing you want to do is end up unemployed all because you are not a good writer. Luckily, there are services out there that can help you create an excellent nurse application letter, resume, and cover letter.


A lot of times, employers often pick people who know other people in the workplace. With that, it’s best to start off as an intern or a volunteer. That way, you can meet people who work in the hospital.

When you apply with your cover letter, you can emphasize on a specific individual that you have met. Point out your relationship with this person and how he inspired you to apply for the position. After you finish your application, it’s best to let that specific person know when you apply. It’ll allow him to put in a good word for you.

Keep it simple

nurse application letter tips

If you have completed your nursing application and it’s almost 10 pages, then get ready to be in the retraction pile.

Keep in mind that employers have to go through thousands of applications on a daily basis. That means they are most likely to be skimming and reading or emphasizing on a specific part of your application.

Make sure that every word counts on your application so they would get a thorough idea of your qualification after one simple read. If you want a rough idea of how much you should write, then you are in the right place.

The resume should be one page. The cover letter should be around half a page to one page. Any additional nursing application will indicate the number of pages they want, so it’s important to follow that.


You have come this far in your journey, so don’t let anything as easy as a horrible nurse application to stop you from getting a job. With all these tips and suggestions above, it can surely help you land a job.

All you have to do is take the time to do your nursing application and proofread the material. Once you are ready, submit the application, and wait for an interview with confidence.

If you are not a good writer, then invest in a writing service to help you grab the attention of employers. It’ll help you sail smoothly into an opportunity that you have always dreamed about when you are in nursing school. With that in mind, good luck and take control of your destiny.