A Model Driven Approach for Android Applications Development

Abstract This research aims to simplify the creation of applications for mobile platforms by developing a high-level and platform independent model of an application, and automatically transforming this high-level model to platform specific code. The research method is a combination of the model-driven development (MDD) approach in software development and application of techniques in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) particularly on user-centered system design.

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Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges What Are We Doing?

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Every bit of technology is evolving and will continue to do so. Mobile applications, in particular, represent today one of the main evolution in technology. They are now widely used in different sectors. The mobile app ecosystem represents today one of the biggest industries all over the world. It encapsulates millions of app developers, literally billions of smartphone owners who use mobile apps daily and many companies that uses apps and make money with them. This evolution of mobile software requires more attention, more skills and a better comprehension for the development, maintenance and engineering of applications. Due to this evolution and to the growing presence of mobile application in everyday life, we though to analyse mobile context and mobile development process to study if a specific UML extension could facilitate development and maintenance of Android mobile application process. The idea was to model, extending UML standard Class Diagram objects, Android structural a.

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The development of mobile applications becomes increasingly popular in our daily life due to the intensive use of applications in mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. The diversity and variety of mobile operating systems (Android, iOS, Black Berry, Windows Phone, etc.) make software engineers in front of a big challenge to develop the same application for these different platforms. This paper presents a methodology based on the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to develop mobile applications according to the principle "develops once, use everywhere". Our approach exploits UML modeling and Acceleo to generate specific code in order to accelerate and facilitate the development of mobile applications.

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Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada

This paper proposes a MDD approach for mobile application development, which includes modeling and code generation strategies for An- droid and Windows Phone. UML class and sequence diagrams are employed for modeling mobile applications and code is generated from this model. To support the automatic code generation, GenCode was re-structured and ex- tended to meet the particularities of these two platforms. As result, GenCode’s current version is able to automatically generate Java-Android and C# codes, according to the specified application model and target platform. Finally, case studies are used to demonstrate the proposed approach, as well as to validate the code generation tool.

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications

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The development of mobile applications is increasingly growing up in our environment due to the intensive use of applications in mobile devices with touch screens. However, the diversity of mobile operating systems (iOS, Windows Phone, Android, etc.), requires additional cares like code efficiency, interaction with device resources, as well as short time to market. What makes developers facing a big challenge of developing the same application for different platforms. Considering this development complexity, we directed our work to platforms using Model Driven Architecture (MDA) combined with UML, as previously used in software engineering, can offer abstraction and automation for mobile applications developers. This paper presents a MDA approach for mobile applications development including UML based modeling and code generation according to the principal (Develop Once, Use Everywhere) in order to facilitate and accelerate the development of mobile applications.

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Mobile devices are significant part of our daily life, we actively use them in communication, administration and to reach and consume digital data. The diversity of mobile platforms and the device capabilities necessitates developing the same functionality for each relevant mobile platform. Further issue of the mobile devices is their limited availability of battery power, i.e. mobile applications should strain after energy efficient solutions. The methodology provided by this paper addresses both of these issues. We provide a model-driven solution, where mobile applications are designed applying domain specific languages, and the executable artifacts are generated by domain specific model processors. These model processors are available for different mobile platforms. Therefore, from the same models the application can be generated for different mobile platforms. The generated source code utilizes both the cloud computing and platform specific energy efficient programing libraries. In this way the methodology supports to effectively realize energy efficient mobile applications for different mobile platforms.

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science

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